Sightsavers, one of the leading disability rights advocacy organisations in Ghana has in collaboration with Unilever Ghana, unveiled an initiative to further tackle the employment challenge of persons with disabilities (PWDs) in the country.
The initiative dubbed ‘Ghana Business and Disability Network’, which intends to bring together corporate entities under one body with the aim of encouraging them to employ persons with disabilities, is one of some four interventions Sightsavers has initiated to fight unemployment and poverty among PWDs in Ghana and to also promote disability inclusion.
On Thursday, March 28, 2024, the initiative was unveiled in Accra with Unilever Ghana, Standard Chartered Bank, Human Resource Certifications Centre, Telecel, and Nestle Ghana being the pioneer companies.
Standard Chartered Bank was appointed as the interim head of the network and will be assisted by Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations (GFD), with Unilever Ghana as the Secretary.
The network will offer member companies a platform to share experiences and learn from one another about working with persons with disabilities. They will have also access to a pool of talents with disabilities; mainly people who have gone through Sightsavers’ training on how to approach job search and how to give their best when employed.
Sightsavers and Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) will be on hand to provide technical support, including conducting accessibility audit to ensure that their buildings and operations are disability-friendly, as well as train their management and staff.
The Business and Disability Network will also engage in advocacy for a conducive working environment in the country for persons with disabilities and to attract more private sector businesses to the network.
The Senior Programme Manager at Sightsavers Ghana, Mr. David Agyemang, discloses that Sightsavers is currently supporting Business and Disability Networks in Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, and some other African countries.
He expects the Ghana network to grow in no time to be registered with the Global Business and Disability Network which is run by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
The pioneer companies, some of whom have already started working with persons with disabilities, expressed excitement about the initiative and pledged their willingness to work to ensure that the network achieves its goal.
Companies interested in joining the network are encouraged to get in touch with Sightsavers, GFD or any member company to fill a form to join free of charge.
Sightsavers in collaboration with Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations holds annual job fairs which bring employers and disabled job seekers together for education on disability inclusion and to introduce the job seekers to them for interviews and for possible employment.
The organisation also provides skills and entrepreneurial training for PWDs without formal education, while training the graduates on how to prepare for the job market. And recently, the organization has also developed a plan to embark on a massive public education to change social behaviour against entrepreneurs with disabilities and those seeking employment.
The culminating effect of the various initiatives are expected to drastically reduce poverty among persons with disabilities within a few years.