“We urge anyone whose rights have been violated to come forward and report the abuse,” said Prof. Pinaman. “We stand ready to investigate and ensure that perpetrators are held accountable.”

To report an incident, victims are encouraged to write to the secretariat of the Mental Health Review Tribunal, located at the Mental Health Authority in Accra.

Established in 2022, the Mental Health Review Tribunal and Visiting Committees are tasked with safeguarding the fundamental human rights of individuals with mental health conditions.

The Visiting Committees conduct regular, both announced and unannounced, visits to mental health facilities, including formal institutions and informal settings like prayer camps. Their mission is to ensure compliance with best practices that promote the dignity and rights of individuals with mental health conditions. If shortcomings are identified, the committees provide recommendations for improvement. These efforts are aimed at curtailing practices such as involuntary detention, chaining of individuals in prayer camps, and other forms of abuse, both within formal and informal facilities.

The Tribunal, equipped with adjudicatory powers, investigates and prosecutes perpetrators of abuse, issuing appropriate sanctions.

While mandated by the Mental Health Act 846 of 2012, the establishment of the Tribunal and Visiting Committees is currently being piloted in five regions due to budgetary constraints. There are five Visiting Committees operating at present, with plans to establish additional committees in two more regions before the year’s end.

Since its inception, the Tribunal has handled four cases, with two reaching a conclusion.

In a recent interview with DisabilityNewsGH.com in Accra, Prof. Pinaman acknowledged that funding limitations pose a challenge to the committees’ ability to effectively monitor facilities’ compliance with recommendations. She implored philanthropists, benevolent organizations, and concerned citizens to contribute to the cause of promoting the rights and dignity of individuals with mental health conditions in the country.

SOURCE: DisabilityNewsGH.com

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